The Legacy. Chapter II. Always Vals!
Maybe every lady wants a fairy tale at some stage in her life. Maybe every gentleman wishes to offer one. And maybe that is why Ines and Sebastian have been researching, teaching and dancing it for so many years, making it so special. Their vals discoveries are in this collection, all for you!
Recommended study time for this collection is 5 weeks.
Language: Spanish | Subtitles: English
- 114.30 min
- Vals
- Musicality
- Elements
- Barrida
Sequence of Barridas in Vals (that has an interesting story behind)
This is it! One of those structures that took, so many times, our breath away while watching them perform. Detailed explanations and tips. Enjoy!
This lesson is in Spanish and it has English subtitles. To activate them, please, click on CC in the down right corner of the video, then select English.
Sequence of Barridas in Vals. Music Review
Review elements you have been taught in this collection, integrated into a beautiful dance.
This is a gift lesson when buying this collection of lessons.