Flow. Boleos and Changes of Direction

You will learn to use different positions for the legs, while keeping a strong connection with your partner; to break patterns; to challenge yourself to keep the fluidity of the walk while switching from circular to linear moves. And you will also learn how the boleo is an extremely subtle type of circumstance which is mostly administered by the follower.


Recommended study time for this collection is 10 weeks.

Change of Direction Using Sacadas 1

On how to play with the extremes - unifying and dissociating the couple's connection. Music: Mi Dolor (orchesta Juan D'Arienzo, singer Osvaldo Ramos).

10.17 min Changes of Direction Sacada

Change of Direction Using Sacadas 2

Followers will learn to create the space and leaders will manage it with a pivotal movement. This is the challenge! Music: Mi Dolor (orchesta Juan D'Arienzo, singer Osvaldo Ramos).

11.18 min Changes of Direction Sacada