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Swirls of Happiness. Vals

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” Dancing Vals beautifully is a way of designing happiness for yourself and a way of gifting it to your partner. Remember that sensation from your childhood, when holding hands with a friend and twirling together made you laugh out loud with joy and happiness? Today, try it with Vals. Because Vals is like swirls of happiness!


Recommended study time for this collection is 5 weeks.

Musicality in Vals. Training and Preparation

This lesson is about simplicity and about the art of patience. Watch it, then do it once more and then do it again. And after that, teach it to someone else. Because in this way you will gain so much patience, rhythm and vals technique, that at the moment of dancing you’ll only freely fly on the wings of music. The rest will already be there, in your body.

18.54 min Musicality Vals

Musicality in Vals Applied to Structures with Basic Step

This is the preview of a lovely lesson about making the familiar unfamiliar by using the most beautiful that there is - the basic step - in a different rhythm and using Vals for a different body shape movement. Enjoy it!

10.25 min Musicality Vals

Musicality in Vals Applied to Structure with Many Ocho Cortados on a Circular Trajectory

The exercises in this lesson could be the source of a never-ending pleasure you’ll find in the vals movement. This class brings you the right challenges, that once overcome, generate the much needed change and gets you to a state of flow. And this will put you on a path of both, joy and pleasure.

6.52 min Ocho Musicality Vals

Musicality in Vals Applied to Structure with Ocho Cortados on a Diagonal Trajectory

This is not an easy one. The way you see this movement in their performances will differ from your first 10 attempts. That’s normal. But listen carefully and then apply each small hint, one at a time. And in maximum a couple of weeks, you’ll feel great, while incorporating what you've learned in this lesson, in your dance.

6.33 min Ocho Musicality Vals

Giros with Cherries on Top, on Vals Timing. Part 1

Let turn be the moment of presence and the moment when you look to the music for inspiration about what to do next. The posture and the position of your embrace will change together with the speed and the direction of your turn. We also call these swirls of happiness!

13.42 min Giro Musicality Vals

Giros with Cherries on Top, on Vals Timing. Part 2

This movement starts with a rebound… And this rebound is one of the best ways for you to practice leading and following. Another great thing about it, is that it really doesn’t matter where exactly you’ll be stepping, but just the way you’ll be rotating your upper body.

6.12 min Giro Rebote Musicality Vals

On Various Ways and Needs when Learning about Musicality

Listen to Sebastián & Roxana’s advice about ways to approach learning of musicality in vals, and probably learning in general. This is a gift talk for you! As just like you, we believe that lovingly improving everything we are and do, brings more joy to ourselves and to those surrounding us.

2.56 min Vals

Fast Giro on Vals Timing

This lesson is absolutely gorgeous! It has all the tips and tricks for your fast turns. It’s a lesson about vals, but it will offer you many answers to fast rhythm issues, that you have been probably facing, while trying to keep elegance as a core value for your couple’s dance. Enjoy!

15.52 min Giro Musicality Vals

Movements in Line on Vals Timing. Part 1

Nice, smooth, elegant. A short lesson with a huge impact on feelings and on looks!

7.28 min Musicality Vals

Movements in Line on Vals Timing. Part 2 + An Enrosque

You’ve always wanted to do that. We’ve always wanted to do that, too. And to have a smooth appearance while dancing is difficult, but with these secrets, it will become a lot easier. In fact, everyone around will be asking themselves: “How do they do that? They seem to read each other’s minds while dancing. Look, they are flying together!”

10.59 min Musicality Vals Enrosque

Movements in Line on Vals Timing. Part 3. Cadenas

A simple and a pleasant - to - the - eye structure… if you have successfully accomplished performing the combination from the previous lesson. This time the connection between you and your partner will become more intense and the muscular tone, as well. The pleasure will only be increasing…

9.18 min Musicality Vals

Movements in Line on Vals Timing. Part 4

A great tool for your performances and an amazing way to teach your students the linear sacada on vals timing. Only pay attention to the detailed explanations regarding the technique. Spread the joy!

10.21 min Sacada Musicality Vals