Captivated by a Beautiful Moment. Barrida and Rebote
There’s that beautiful moment… You know it? The one you don’t want to ever end. When you hold your baby for the first time, or when you look in the eyes of your beloved and you know there’s nothing else you need… But it can also be that second, during the dance, when you just hold your partner and have the space to express yourself.
Recommended study time for this collection is 5 weeks.
Rebound in Parallel System and Changes of Direction
Rebound is one of those elements, too, that can help you create a beautiful moment to be captured in. You can use it just as it is, or as a way to change the structure and the direction of your dance. It’s a tool that is all yours, to be used on your way to complete self expression. You’ll discover how in this very lesson.
Rebound in Cross System and Changes of Direction
We all know that it’s mostly us who influence the quality of the time we spend on our own or together with other people. But the most knowledgeable of us, also make use of the circumstances they are given. This lesson will show you how to use the imaginary lines on the floor, to find the lines to follow in your body. So that you can get to the next level in performing your barridas.
Combination of Steps using Rebound and Change of Direction
The structure presented in this lesson has a high level of complexity. Paying attention to all the small details might seem burdening at first, but it will make you forget completely, on the dance floor, that there’s any work involved at all. But in order to get to this stage of pure savoring, there’s lot of practice upfront involved. There’s no one who has ever skipped this step. Not even the best.