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The Art of Fluidity

While our everyday lives put some strain on our bodies, the first part of this collection helps you relax before taking your dance steps. The better you understand your body, the easier it is to connect with yourself or a partner. While discovering the movement that is comfortable to you, you will also discover that it is the most natural one.
The second part of this collection is about connection and partnering. Find out how to move and how to stop with your partner, while your feet are at work too. What if the independence of movement of the two of you create a more organic and fluid way of dancing?

The recommended study time for this collection is 6 weeks.

Fundamentals of the Walk

You’d think you know how to walk by now, but after (mis)using your body in demanding ways throughout the day, in this lesson, you will be able to find your natural ways again. After a much-needed warm-up it’s a lot easier to be aware of your body as well as of the technical aspects of the steps.
This lesson is in English.

18.27 min Walk

Bringing Steps and Music Together

Now that you have mastered the technicalities of the step, you will be bringing the music into the conversation. This is a discussion about beat and rhythm while playing with different patterns.
This lesson is in English.

17.19 min Musicality Technique Walk

Legsercises - Shaping steps into turns and combinations

This lesson is about Giros, Lapiz and Enrosques and all the exercises meant to make you stronger, more balanced and more aware of your body.
This lesson is in English.

16.08 min Giro Lapiz Elements Enrosque

Turns with a Partner - Get your feet moving

You’re on top of it when it comes to individual technique, you’ve practiced your Pivots and your Adornos, but how do you apply them in the dance with a partner? Here’s how.
This lesson is in English.

21.27 min Sacada Giro Lapiz Enrosque

Elements - Boleo. Can you swing it?

Flick your whip like a pro – with Boleos it’s all about coordination and timing. Once you got the move and you’re in full swing, coordination is key to playing with combinations and the rhythm.
This lesson is in English.

19.53 min Technique Connection Boleo

Barridas and the secrets of a fluid sweep across the floor

In this final lesson, Ezequiel explains the principle of the Barrida and exemplifies some sequences you can use in milongas.
This lesson is in English.

8.17 min Elements Barrida Technique