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Get Your Body Into Tango Mood

Dancing requires a certain posture and footwork. While our everyday lives put some strain on our body, this collection will help you relax before taking your dance steps. The better you understand your body, the easier it is to connect with yourself or a partner. Start warming up with a series of movements that prepare your body for dancing. Then go on to the technical exercises. You'll use steps together with music while you create all sorts of patterns and combinations. Discover the movement that is comfortable to you, and you will see, it is the most natural one. Find your tango!
The recommended study time for this collection is 3 weeks.

Bringing Steps and Music Together

Now that you have mastered the technicalities of the step, you will be bringing the music into the conversation. This is a discussion about beat and rhythm while playing with different patterns.
This lesson is in English.

17.19 min Musicality Technique Walk

Legsercises - Shaping steps into turns and combinations

This lesson is about Giros, Lapiz and Enrosques and all the exercises meant to make you stronger, more balanced and more aware of your body.
This lesson is in English.

16.08 min Giro Lapiz Elements Enrosque