Noelia & Carlitos’ Fundamentals. Merging Classic Milonguero with Modern Technique
Merging the classic milonguero style with modern tango technique in distinctive harmony and precision, the result is visually stunning! So fresh! Essentially, this is Carlitos & Noelia’s landmark collection of lessons. It’s where we invite you to start your journey into the world of their tango. Here, you’ll understand their fundamentals; how they think about the movement and from where it emerges.
Women Technique 2. Building Circular Movements: Pivots. Ochos
Ladies, here’s your second women technique lesson from Noelia. Learn her principles for creating Pivots and Ochos, which you could think of as the building blocks for your tango. And besides that, Carlitos says it’s very important that you have your leaders watch this lesson, too!
Women Technique 3. Circular and Linear Turns
Noelia differentiates between two types of Turns: the circular and the linear ones. Learn the little things that make the big difference in staying connected to your partner and in flow when performing them. Just a hint - two important things to take into consideration when doing your Turns - the space and the lines that you take.
Tips & Tricks for Leading and Following Circular Movements
Circular movements give tango its very own recognizable look and feel. And with this lesson you’ll start building the foundation of your circular movements in tango. Carlitos & Noelia give away their tips and tricks for leading and following Pivots and Ochos. And from here, your Turns and Boleos will emerge later on.